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Freshmen Enrichment Program
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Hello and welcome to my blog. In this blog, I’ll explain some events that I’ve followed for about a month. Started with General Orientation. General Orientation was for helping new students in adapting on systems and laws in university. In this session, all of the new students were gathered and classified in some classes based on what major they are taking, and I was at DBN02 with other students. At the same time, we also had some coordinators that would take care of us for the rest of this orientation, which called Buddy Coordinator, and the student called Buddy.

Buddy Coordinator itself had a lot of job to do, for example introducing us to University’s system, sharing some tips about university’s life, taking care of us, and etc.. They also told us about the steps that we are going to take and about Employability and Entrepreneurial skill Skills as a must for us for our graduation. They introduced us about what will we get in the next 4 years. The second day, they taught us about Binus Maya, which is the main portal for us to get information about collages activity, scores, etc. Next day, there was such a show about what activities can be followed by us or UKM and the final day, they prepared exhibition for us to choose whether the best activities that we could choose. In those days, we were told about the college’s activities, exam, and registration. Also, there was a session for us to have a worship and a presentation about achieving success in Binus and some laws that applied on there.

In Academic Orientation session, we were taught about the basic of material we are about to take for the first term of the college. There were a basic programming material, some logical assignment, and a test at the final day. Also there was a academic advisory that provided us about academic information. Then for several days, we were taught about basic of programming, especially the coding of basic C programming. Also, there is Support Center for your success that introduced us about some centers in Binus with their own function that can help us. The last was curriculum session that told us about curriculum information that we are going to face.

In University, we must have some Organization Skills which can be obtained by joining some organizations and activities. By joining organizations, they hope that we could get both the experiences and soft skills (self-management, team work, communication, initiative & enterprise, problem solving & decision making, and planning & organizing). Self-management is about how to control yourself in time management or emotion control. Team work is an essential point that we must have this ability if you want to work in a company. Communication is a way to show your skill in speaking but meaningful (not a nonsense). Initiative and enterprise are about your ability in how fast you react to a problem. Problem solving and decision making are about how you can overcome your problem and decide what to do next. And the last but not least, planning and organizing are about how you can plan and organize in a group, how ‘tidy’ you work.

Next event, which held by HIMTI was HTTP (Himti Togetherness and Top Performance). In this event, they performed a band, a seniors’ dance show, games, and DJ. Also, there was an introduction of some lecturers and the organization structure, such as the Chairwoman, Dean of School, Manager, etc. The event was held at BPPT II, Jakarta, and took about 9 hours. The sequence of the show was : Band, introduction of the show itself, introduction of some lecturers and organization structure, games, talk show, singing, and DJ.

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